Page:A semi-centenary discourse.djvu/13

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success. The sequel of this incident in the history of this people you all know they did go forward, their difficulties were removed, for the sea was- made to part at the lifting up of Moses' rod over it, and the people went through safely; which their pursuers essaying to do, were overwhelmed and destroyed.

II. I call your attention to these words as they affect the individual man. I adopt this course as you can plainly see that a community or an army, a nation or a church, are comprised of individuals, each man making up the aggregate, and therefore upon the life, conduct, and action of each man depend, in a greater or lesser degree, the power and influence of the whole, whether it be a nation, an army, or a church.

Now as it regards individuals, we assume that no man in the great world of life and action can be idle and indifferent to the callings and claims of government; regarding men as citizens, members of society, heads of families, or in the relation of friends, it cannot with any show of truth be said upon him there are no claims. Every man, more or less, has some part to perform in the drama of life; there can be no stand, no rest, no indifference on this active, busy, working stage; the world is ever moving, and everything around shows life, activity, energy, commotion; the world goes forward in numerous almost countless operations; its motto is forward. As individuals we must go forward upon the broad bosom of this ocean life and contribute our something towards the press of interests that impels forward: who moves not will be pushed aside, or irresistibly borne forward, uncared for and unhonored: we all must struggle in this race of active life, and add our quota to the universal use. The command is a good one, Go forward, and wise is the man who obeys it. Observation with its