Page:A semi-centenary discourse.djvu/18

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be attended to; its great heart should throb for the world's salvation, and its broad arms should encircle all mankind—that is its business, its duty, and should, must be its aim; to this end the church must go forward in might and in power, put on strength and grow in grace, in knowledge, wisdom, purity, and holiness; for the church there lies the life struggle, the aim of the church. Let us of this church see to it that we move forward, that we make progress onward and upward. Our fathers went forward in their day, nobly forward; they did their duty, and they did it well; so that we now looking back upon those early times, though fifty years have rolled away and balled up all the doings of those long, long years, still can we of this later day, in view of what we now know and see, truthfully exclaim, "Well done, good and faithful servants."

What was commanded the people by the mouth of Moses was commanded by a greater than Moses to our fathers; they did go forward; they have finished their work, crossed over Jordan, and are now in Canaan and at rest. The same God, by the mouth of his son, calls upon every man and woman in this church to arise and go forward. The labors and example of our fathers show we are resting, positively snugly encamped before some Baal Zephon. My brethren, I call upon you arise; God commands you to go forward; why stop to complain, why to lament and say O Lord, look upon us in our low estate; oh, pity our condition; help us in our leanness? Moses did this very thing. God said to him Why cryest thou to me? command the people that they go forward. And now if you would succeed, work—work while you pray; for God will help no man, nor any church that will not help themselves.

If we would insure success we must first be diligent