Page:A semi-centenary discourse.djvu/20

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and ushered into the marvellous light and liberty of God's children. May I call upon each one to-day to dedicate himself afresh for this desirable, nay necessary end? But how are we to do this? Can it be done alone by praying? Often this proves a delusion. Prayer of course must be used, by all means; yet are there other essentials necessary in this work; there must be an earnest, serious, and manifest interest evidenced in us all for the glory of our God, the conversion of souls, the prosperity of this church. And what evidences this? Why, the temper and spirit in which we enter and labor in it; the sacrifices we are making of our time, our means, and of our ability to do, in any way or manner, what the cause of our Redeemer demands of us. We must let our light shine before men; not our words, our professions, or our formality, but our Christian principles, Christlike to do good, and to communicate—forget not. We must be the salt of the earth; our example in life and practice must show to men that we have been with Christ and have been taught of him: this we must evidence by our daily life, daily conversation, in our intercourse with our fellow men, whether in the house or by the wayside, in the workshop, or anywhere else. We must be willing to do the will of our heavenly Father, by doing whatever our hands find to do; Ave must go forward; in God's work there can be no resting point. In our travels to the promised land we must go forward; God commands, it is ours to obey