Page:A semi-centenary discourse.djvu/74

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substance, as God had blessed them; they contributed themselves as they were able, and when they failed, after every effort on their part was expended, they then felt, as all Christians should feel, that they had claims on the universal Church of Christ for help; and wherever among God's people access can be had, there they had a right to make their wants known, and their case felt; conventional rules, regulations, and laws to the contrary, notwithstanding—these should be pushed aside when charity is needed, and Christian embarrassments made known. Theatrical shows, feasts, and entertainments (now extensively practised in the form of suppers and dinners), and all this train of paraphernalia, should be most religiously avoided, as tending to divert from Christian principle to the gratification of sensual pleasure, what else is it but taking the very livery of the wicked one to serve the God of glory with? This is not Christ-like, neither, indeed, can be: to be Christian, all our efforts must spring from Christian principles.


It is not a pleasant task for me to record the misunderstanding that took place in the Church, whereby it was divided into two separate bodies; it was, and is still to be regarded as deplorable, but as a matter of history connected with the first African Church, it has to be put on record. In doing so, however, it shall be my conclusion to give the simple truth without partiality, and, I will take the occasion to remark, that whatever views I may express herein upon divisions and dissensions in churches or religious bodies, will be understood