Page:A semi-centenary discourse.djvu/95

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Mr. Gardner. Dr. Green was appointed to preside; Rev. Mr. McCalla to preach the sermon; Dr. Green to put the requisite questions to the pastor elect and the people; and Mr. Blythe the charge to pastor and people.

The text chosen by Mr. McCalla was 2 Timothy, chap, i. 13 v.: "Hold fast the form of sound words which thou hast heard of me." I need not say much concerning this highly interesting occasion; it may suffice me merely to remark that the interest seen and felt on that occasion may be gathered from the dense mass of people that filled the house that day. It seemed as if the great Head of the Church opened upon them a day-spring from above; rays of light broke through the gloom of years, and the clouds of discouragement, that hung so heavily over them and casting their dark shadows across their pathway for the three years that they labored with- out hope of a settled pastor, were dispelled on that day, and light, bright, glorious light, came flooding in on that faithful band of men and women, who for years combated so nobly against such fearful odds as I have frequently described in this narrative. The installation and its stirring emotions of the day, will long be remembered by the church.

From this time, then, Mr. Gardener must be regarded as the settled pastor of the church. Under his ministry the addition of members was numerous, and the increase of the congregation very large: insomuch that the building could scarcely accommodate the number of persons that attended on his stated ministry. Of the elders officiating at his installation were Peter McNeal, Thos. Black, and John Burch. These brethren labored with Mr. Gardner during his pastoral charge, excepting to some extent in the case of Mr. McNeal, who departed