Page:A short account of the rise and progress of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in America.djvu/22

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said African Church or to the Elder, of any of its members having walked disorderly, they shall be dealt with according to the form of discipline: provided always, that their triers be members of their own Church, and that the member, if condemned in the first trial, have an appeal to the Trustees, Local Preachers, exhorters and class leaders of the aforesaid Zion Church. And it is further declared, that no person who may come recommended to the Elder from other societies, as a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, shall be admitted or considered as a member of the African Church, if he refuse to have his name registered in the books of the said Zion Church, after notice given him.

article x.

It is agreed and declared that the Elder of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in the city of New-York, appointed as aforesaid, shall from time to time, for ever hereafter, nominate the Preacher who shall officiate in said African Methodist Episcopal Church, and any and all other church or churches, which shall hereafter become the property of the Corporation, and shall attend to the said Church or Churches himself, to administer the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord's Supper, as often as he the said Elder can make it convenient. And the said Elder, for the time being, shall license to exhort and preach, any one or more of the brethren, who are or shall be members of the said church, and shall appear, to the satisfaction of the said Elder, to be adequate to the task, and to have grace and gifts proper to appear in public: Provided always, that such persons are previously recommended to him by a