Page:A short account of the rise and progress of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in America.djvu/60

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consecrated the elements for the Lord's Supper, and (together with Abraham Thompson, the other Elder elect) administered the same to the members of the Church, and Leven Smith, our ordained Deacon, assisted them. We had a comfortable time.

The official brethren of the society at New-Haven having resolved upon uniting with our connexion, they recommended to the brethren in New-York, an Exhorter, named Jeremiah Jacobs, for license to preach. Jeremiah Jacobs arrived in the city of New-York on Saturday, the 11th of November, intending to embark for Port Au Prince, with some adventures, hoping to return in a few months, and on Wednesday night, November 15th, according to request, he preached a trial sermon, was approved, and obtained license to preach.

According to the request of those brethren at Philadelphia, who were now forming a society in that city separate from the Allenites, and of those at New-Haven who were already formed under the charge of our white brethren, preparations were made by the official brethren of Zion Church in New-York to visit them, and on the first of December, Abraham Thompson and William Miller were sent to Philadelphia, and Christopher Rush to New-Haven, and upon their return they reported the willingness of the brethren at those places to unite with our connexion. Abraham Thompson having mentioned that while he was at Philadelphia, he had an interview with Ezekiel Cooper, an old member of the connexion of our white brethren, and friendly to our people, and that he