Page:A short account of the rise and progress of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in America.djvu/75

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Of the First and following Yearly Conferences.

On the 21st of June, 1821, being the day fixed upon by our Preachers for the first yearly Conference of our connexion, the Preachers, of both the Asbury and Zion Churches, came together in Zion Church, about half past two o'clock in the afternoon. Joshua Souls and Doctor William Phoebus, being invited to attend the meeting, they accepted the invitation and met with our brethren. They proceeded to elect one of the Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church for their Superintendent, and the Bishop being not present, they chose Doctor William Phoebus for the President of the Conference, pro ax viso. They then proceeded to adopt some by-laws for the order of the Conference, and adjourned until three o'clock in the afternoon of the next day.

The Preachers came together on the 22d, according to adjournment; Doctor William Phoebus presided, and Joshua Souls consented to be Secretary. On the 25th, the fifth day of the meeting, Freeborn Garretson also attended the meeting, and advised the brethren to proceed