Page:A short account of the rise and progress of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in America.djvu/82

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1st, That the said church in New-York, several societies on Long Island, a society at New-Haven, the Wesleyan church at Philadelphia, and several societies in the States of Pennsylvania and New-Jersey, have resolved to be established in a connexion, according to the rules and regulations of the Discipline, selected and printed in New-York, for an African Methodist connexion.

2d, That the aforesaid societies wish to be in perfect union with the mother church, as respects brotherly and friendly affections or ties, so that the one may not be in opposition to the other, in their religious course or travels.

3d, That they think the foregoing may be happily ac- complished, if one of the Bishops of the mother church could be allowed to preside at the yearly Conferences of the African Methodist connexion, from time to time; and in case of his absence, the Superintendent, contemplated by the aforesaid Discipline, to be appointed at a yearly African Conference, shall have full power to preside and perform the duties of a Bishop, so far as it may become essentially necessary for the prosperity of the aforesaid connexion, and without any opposition to the interest of the mother church.

4th, That in order for the accomplishment of the third item, regulations can be reciprocally adopted, to secure to the Bishop of the mother church the prerogative of superintendency at the African Conferences, whenever it may be in his power to attend said Conferences, from