Page:A short history of nursing - Lavinia L Dock (1920).djvu/124

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A Short History of Nursing

io8 A Short History of Nursing daughter houses that it was Hke a great tree with its branches. Friederike FHedner was the creative partner in working out the training of the deacon- esses. She kept a journal in which she recorded all her experiences, and framed the principles and methods that this experience showed to be correct. Her journal was never pubHshed, and this is much to be regretted, for we have reason to think that it supplied the material used later by many pastors in copious writings on the principles and practice of training. It was probably the first book on nursing ethics and the practical training of nurses written by a woman — a treatise that would have been a historical treasure. It contained a motto which gives the keynote to Friederike 's ideals: "The soul of service must never be sacrificed to the technique." Friederike died in 1842, and a second wife, Caroline Bertheau, was equally re- markable as a helpmate to pastor Fliedner and as the head or Mother of the deaconesses. The Kaiserswerth deaconess was not intended to be a narrow specialist, but was to be prepared for every kind of service that might be needed. She was taught nursing, teaching, the management of children and convalescents (this included occupa- tional work and organized play and recreation), parish visiting, and religious theory, so that she