Page:A short history of nursing - Lavinia L Dock (1920).djvu/152

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A Short History of Nursing

136 A Short History of Nursing neglected children (1854-55) centres about the name of Mary Carpenter. The remodelling of Social and workhouse management on humane humani- jjj^gg chiefly the labour of Louisa tarian movements Twining. Organized charity, forming of the latter associations after 1869, received its part of the nineteenth warmest element through the spirit of century Octavia Hill as revealed in her friendly visiting. A more intelligent and sympathetic understanding of problems of poverty resulted from the studies of Charles Booth and ' of the prominent figures in the university settlements of London. The modern study of eugenics began with the work and writings of Francis Galton, whose initial articles appeared in 1865-69. These and other similar lines of social advance have closely touched and strongly affected the educa- tion and life-direction of the trained nurse. Deeply significant also in a far-reaching way, though of slow and different advance, was the attack made, first upon the continental system of regulated prostitution and finally upon prostitution itself by Josephine Butler and the small groups of men and women associated with her in the last quarter of the nineteenth century. Their work was the starting point of the modem crusade against venereal disease.