Page:A short history of nursing - Lavinia L Dock (1920).djvu/247

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A Short History of Nursing

Educational Developments 231 called from the Johns Hopkins Hospital to establish a new Department of Household Administration under which the division of Hospital Economics was placed. Columbia University was thus the first of the higher institutions of learning to ap- point a nurse to a professorship and Miss Nutting was the first nurse to occupy a chair on a university faculty. The work of the new department soon began to grow, new courses were developed, new lecturers added, and the group of students began to increase in a very encouraging way. In the meantime, the field of visiting nursing and other branches of what we have described as public health nursing, were growing, and it was evident that leaders were needed to develop these newer forms of community service. Some lectures had been given in the college on the social aspects of nursing, but funds were needed to provide for a much wider extension of the college resources to meet these new demands. Miss Wald, always helpful and sympathetic became deeply interested in Miss Nutting's plans and was fortunate in presenting the situation to Mrs. Helen Hartley Jenkins, one of the College Trustees, in such a way as to arouse her interest which finally took shape, in 1910, in an endowment of $150,000, which was later increased to $200,000. This was the first