Page:A short history of nursing - Lavinia L Dock (1920).djvu/261

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A Short History of Nursing

Educational Developments 245 The public health courses in the University of Cincinnati and the University of Minnesota have already been noted in connection with the general development of those schools. In 1919 courses in public health nursing were opened in the Universi- ties of Syracuse and Washington, and a number of universities are also offering short summer courses to help experienced workers now in the field. These brief notes will suffice to show the modem trend in our co-operative relations with educational bodies. It is evi4ently a growing movement, with promise of much fuller development in the future. Though the increased emphasis on sound theore- tical foundations and on closer association with academic institutions of high standing is all in the right direction, it must not be forgotten that nothing can take the place of actual experience with the sick patient, under the best hospital con- ditions. No university can assure a good training in nursing if it is associated with a nursing school of poor resources and standards, or with weak, badly managed public health work.