Page:A short history of nursing - Lavinia L Dock (1920).djvu/271

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A Short History of Nursing

Nursing in other Countries 255 Bill" which provides that the register already formed by the College of Nursing shall be the first register under the act. If, therefore, you are on the College register you will, automatically and without further fee, be placed upon the state register when the "Nurses' Registration Bill" is passed. After the war, the struggle between the College and the Central Committee was finally ended by the announcement of the new Minister of Health, Dr. Addison, that the government would introduce a bill for the registration of nurses. This pledge was kept, and a just, fair act was passed at Christ- mas time, 191 9. So ended what has been called the " thirty years' war" in English nursing. The dean of nursing journals is the British Journal of Nursing. It was in existence as The Nursing Record when Mrs. Fen wick British bought it in 1893 to advance the in- Journal of r T -i Nursing terests of nurses. In 1902 it was re- named. Associated with her in its editorship Mrs. Fenwick has had the constant service of Margaret Breay. The Journal has been militant and fear- less, and has held to an unwavering professional policy in brilliant fashion. The colonial history of Great Britain has given English nurses greater opportunities for venture-