Page:A short history of nursing - Lavinia L Dock (1920).djvu/276

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A Short History of Nursing

26o A Short History of Nursing liminary training for probationers was the work of Mrs. Strong. This course was started in 1893. Visiting nursing and the anti-tuberculosis cam- paign have been thoroughly developed in Scotland. The workhouse infirmaries have been remodelled on a modern basis. The Scottish hospitals equal the best anywhere, and Scotch nurses are keen in their work, though they have been fairly indiffer- ent to organization and professional problems. Ireland has very ancient traditions in nursing, beginning before the Christian era and descending through the monastic orders. Nursing Ireland by religious hospital orders is frequent in Ireland, and is exceedingly well done, for the Irish Sisters of Charity and the Sisters of Mercy are modern minded and progressive in nursing affairs. In some of their hospitals secular training schools have been opened. The Sisters of Mercy in Dublin sent sixteen of their order to assist Miss Nightingale in the Crimea. The Sisters of Charity went in 1833 to Paris to learn the art of nursing from the Sisters of St. Vincent de Paul in the Pitie hospital. They are thus pioneers in Irish training. Secular nursing was introduced first into the Madam Stevens hospital in Dublin in 1866 by Miss Beatty. She seems not to have been a Night- ingale nurse, nor to have had much tenacity, yet