Page:A short history of nursing - Lavinia L Dock (1920).djvu/279

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A Short History of Nursing

Nursing in other Countries 263 tion, the oldest and historically most important is the Montreal General. A school of medicine had been opened in connection with it ^ Other in 1822, and from this the medical fac- important ulty of McGill University developed. ^^'^^^^^ Up to 1875 the nursing had been of the old type, yet by no means in its worst aspect. In that year the committee appealed to Miss Nightingale for counsel and help. She sent them four trained nurses and a superintendent. The experiment, however, was not a success. Few failures are recorded for the pioneer Nightingales, but in this instance they seem not to have had patience and tact in living down the great jealousy and unfair criticism they received. They returned to England, and not until 1890 was another attempt made. Norah Livingstone, a New York hospital nurse, then succeeded in placing the school upon a sound foundation. The Toronto General hospital came next into line. A training school was opened there in 1881, and made partial progress until 1884, when it was placed under the direction of Mary A. Snively, a Bellevue nurse and also a trained teacher. Both Miss Livingstone and Miss Snively had an unusually long and influential tenure of office. They remained for many years at the head of these