Page:A short history of nursing - Lavinia L Dock (1920).djvu/307

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A Short History of Nursing

Nursing in other Countries 291 Hamilton, while still working on her thesis, had persuaded Mile. Luigi, a young Frenchwoman of culture and great charm, to go to the London hospital for training. Mile. Luigi was then placed in the Hopital Civile of Bezier by Dr. Lande's influence. She established a training school there, and was called to do the same thing in the large Hotel-Dieu at Rheims. She was there when the war broke out, and stayed at her post throughout the siege. The school at the Protestant hospital is a model in ethical ideals, in practical training of the most finished kind, in careful class work and lecture courses, in household arts, and a well balanced ward experience. The question of " living-in " has no difficulties here, for there are both "in- terne" and " externe " pupils, all having exactly the samo hours and training. In connection with the dispensary work a visiting nurse was ap- pointed, the first in France. As the graduates of this school grew in numbers they were placed in a number of provincial hospitals as Matrons au- thorized to reorganize the nursing, and in army hospitals. A word about the power behind the throne that made this possible. Conservative as France is in some ways, there are, in every section, groups