Page:A short history of nursing - Lavinia L Dock (1920).djvu/328

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A Short History of Nursing

CHAPTER XII CERTAIN ASPECTS OF NURSING IN THE WORLD WAR IT is too soon to give a general outline of nursing in the war. It was on a scope proportioned to the immensity of the conflict. Nor can due appreciation be given in our brief space to the women who displayed special qualities of courage and endurance in addition to their own maternal or sisterly impulses, for the numbers would baffle the attempt. It would be desirable, however, to indicate, even though in barest outlines, how the nursing body as a whole was affected by the war, and what form and direction it took on in the effort to meet un- precedented demands. But even such an account can at present only be attempted as to our own country, for not only would it be a work of great extent to show fairly the war tasks and nursing con- ditions of other countries, but, besides, each nation, our own included, will probably prepare through official channels its war nursing history in full. 312