Page:A short history of nursing - Lavinia L Dock (1920).djvu/348

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A Short History of Nursing

332 A Short History of Nursing when they cried for me I went, — no dungeon was too dark, no lazar house too noisome, no battlefield too terrible. I bound the wounds that festered ; I washed the sores that would not heal; I spoke gentle words and ministered to the plague stricken multitude, nor knew that the hem of my garment bore death. Water I carried to those athirst with fever, nor knew that the course was polluted ; milk tainted with disease I gave to wailing babes, and none told me I erred. I served the sick and suffer- ing, kneeling ; I gave my life and yearned over them as a mother over her babe. But I blundered and stumbled and none set my feet in the right path. Oh, Mother! my children were grievously stricken and my help stayed them but little. " Then Science comes forward — "'Tis I can aid her. Goddess; what she lacks I have. I may not own her gentle voice and tone; I cannot weep for pity, and the cry of the suffering multitudes does not tear my heart. But I can reveal the germ that festers the wound, and teach how it may be killed that the wound may heal true and clean. I can show how the water source may be preserved pure. I can build the dwelling that shall be clean, sweet, and wholesome. I can track the plague poison to its lair, and my skill can stay its course. I, Mother, can teach Man how to repair the ravages his sin