Page:A short history of nursing - Lavinia L Dock (1920).djvu/389

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A Short History of Nursing

APPENDIX I HISTORICAL OUTLINES SHOWING RELATION OF NURSING HISTORY TO WORLD HISTORY HISTORICAL OUTLINES OF ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS I Year B.C 6000 4000 3000 2000 1500 1300 1200 I 100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 200 100 China and India Earliest Chi- nese records, 3800 Eastern migra- tion of Hin- dus. Susruta great physician. Vedas, sacred books of Hin- dus. Brahman reli- gion. Birth of Bud- dha, founder of Buddhism 560. Confucius, Chinese teacher, 515. Hindu civiliza tion widely developed, medicine flourishing, re lic;ion Budd hism. Charaka famous physician. State hospitals under King Asoka. 270. Revivalof Brah manism leads to decline in Hindu civili zation. Egypt Earliest rec ords of civili- zation. Origin of calen dar, 4241. Period of ad- vanced civi liza tion up tc 3000; pyra- mids built Fall of the em- pire Egypt a Per- sian prov ince. 525- Conquered by Alexander 332. Alexandria great centre of commerce and learn- ing. Libra- ries and fa- mous med ical schools. Roman con quest of Egypt. 47 Babylonia Assyria Chaldea Persia Babylonian civilization flourishing. 4000-2000 Hammurabic code of laws 2300. Conquest of Babylonia. Zoroaster Per- sian teacher sacred books Avesta. Rise of Assyr- ian power 750. Rise of Chal dean power, Persian em pire founded 538. Fall of Persian empire, 330 Palestine Patriarchal age. 1270 Exodus from Egypt Moses. Fall of Jerusa lem, 586. Jerusalem under Alex ander. Palestine con quered by Romans, 63 Birth of Christ Greece Earliest rec- ords, 1582. Asklepios god of medicine w or shipped in temples II34- Homeric poems, 930- Age of Pericles 461-30. Greece leading civilization of world. Hippocrates father of medicine, 420. Famous medi- cal schools connected with temples of Asklepios. Roman con- quest of Greece, 146. Rome Founding of Rome (legend- ary), 754- Growing power of Rome. Romans absorb much of Greek learn- ing and medicine. Roman empire, under Julius Caesar and Augustus. Britain invad- ed, SS. 373