Page:A short history of nursing - Lavinia L Dock (1920).djvu/391

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A Short History of Nursing

Appendix I 375 1ST TO 20TH CENTURIES, A. D. — Continued General History Beginning of Dark Ages. Mahomet born about 570 A.D. founder of Moham medan reli gion and empire. Conquest of Spain by Arabs. Alfred the Great, 849 Development of feudalism and chivalry Constantino pie most im- portant city of Europe. Cordova Spain, seat of Saracenic learning. Normans con quer Eng land. Turks capture Jerusalem. First Crusade 1095 A.D. Religion and Charity Christianity in- troduced in Germany. Benedict founded Monte Cassino, first monastery under Benedic- tine rule. Monasteries in crease. Are centres of al- truistic and charitable work, conservers of learning and education. Monasteries cen tres of alms- giving. Churches levy taxes for poor relief. Science and Medicine .^tius last of Greek scholars compiler of medical works of past. Practice of medi- cine confined to monks and Miracle healing. Scientific medi- cal schools in Persia. Jews and Arabs become skilled in medicine. Charlemagne en courages medi- cal study. Little real progress. Important medi- cal school at Salerno, wom- en study medi- cine there. Development of nursing and charitable work in monasteries under famous abbesses. — Ce- s a r e a , Rade- gunde, etc. Monks and nuns both serve as nurses. St. Hilda, 614, ab- bess of Whitby. Anglo-Saxon and Irish nuns go to Germany to spread Chris tianity. Monastic nursing orders flourish Feudal chivalry brings nursing careers to high- born women out side of monas teries. Ladies learn first aid, surgical dress- ings, etc. Hildegarde, fa- mous abbess. The order of St, John Hospital- lers, Knights, and Sisters. Hospitals Travellers and sick persons received in monasteries, innson moun- -tain passes, H 6tel- Dieu. Lyons, always had a secular order of Sis- ters. H6tel-Dieu, Paris, first nursed by vol- unteers who became order with rule of St. Augustine. Many beautiful and well or- ganized hos- pitals under Saracens in Arabia, Per- sia, andSpain. York Hospital founded by Athelstane, 936. Several early English hos- pitals found- ed. St. John orders found two hospitals in Jerusalem.