Page:A short history of nursing - Lavinia L Dock (1920).djvu/394

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A Short History of Nursing

378 Appendix I 1ST TO 20TH CENTURIES, A. D. — Continued Dates Nineteenth Century. 1900 Twentieth Century. Napoleonic wars, 181 2- 14. Crimean War, I8S4-S6. American Civil War, 1 86 1-5. First Hague Peace Con- ference, 1899. General History World War 1914-1918. Social Progress Missionary and temperance ac- tivity. Public schools extended. First colleges for women. Arnold Toynbee's work initiates settlement movement. Louisa Twining and O c t a V i a Hill lead in workhouse and housing reform. United States abolished slav- ery, 1865. Geneva Conven- tion founded Red Cross, 1864. Josephine Butler led movement against licensed prostitution 1865-1895. Period of social legislation cov- ering hours, minimum wage, old age pensions, health, etc. Advances in suf- frage, and many other social movements. Medicine Murcheson ad- vocated sani- tary reforrns, 1838. Nitrous oxide used, 1844. Morton's demon - stration of ether, 1846. Bell and Simp- son use chloro- form, 1847. Pasteur an- nounced germ theory, 1863. Lister, reform in surgery, 1869- 80. Eberth discovers typhoid bacil- lus, 1880. Koch discovers tubercle bacil- lus, 1882. Loeffler discovers diphtheria bacillus, 1883. First medical women in Eng- land and Amer- ica, 1840-60. Roentgen rays discovered, 1895. Marked advances in Preventive Medicine. Nursing Mrs. Fry's nurs- ingsisters, 1845. Anglican nursing orders. Florence Nightin- gale born 1820. Florence Night- ingale serves in Crimea, 1854 56. Wm. Rathbone founds visiting nursing, Liver- pool, 1859- First V i s i t i n ( nurses in Unit ed States, N. Y. City Mission "Jubilee "visiting nurses, England, .1877. First law for nurse registration Africa, 189) First Nurses Settlement New York, 1893. Advanced course for nurses Teachers Col- lege, 1899. Society of Supt's formed, i893- Associated Alum nae, 1898. Inter national Coun- cil, 1899. Am. Journal of Nursing found ed, 1900. First State Assn founded. N. Y 1901. Army Nursing Bill, 1901, First Registration bill passed in U. S., 1903. School Nursing started, N. Y., 1903. Hospital Social Service started Boston, 1905. N. 0..P. H. N.or ganized in 191 2. Hospitals Miss Nightin- gale founds first training school for nurses at St. Thomas's hospital, Lon- don, I860. New England hospital for Women and Children, i860. St. Cather- ine's, Canada, opens train- ing school on N ightingale plan, 1864. BellevueSchool, 1873. Mass. Gen'l., i873- Connecticut, 1873- First Training School in Ja- pan, 1885.. First Training School in China, 1890. Rapid increase in hospitals and training schools.