Page:A short history of nursing - Lavinia L Dock (1920).djvu/411

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A Short History of Nursing

" A Brave. Wise Rook."— Hartford Courant. Hygiene and Morality A Manual for Nurses and Others, ^ivin^ an out- line of the Medical, Social, and Le^al Aspects of the Venereal Diseases By Lavinia L. Dock Resident Member of the Nurses' (Henry Street) Settlement, Secretary of the International Council of Nurses ; Author of '* Materia Medica for Nurses," etc. " The exceptional value of this volume may be traced, first, to the distinctively social, as well as medical, standpoint from which the author ap- proaches the subject ; and, second, to the sincere and earnest yet accurate and fair manner in which the author presents her material. Many astound- ing, but actual, facts which have not previously been generally available are here presented in re- gard to police and legislative fostering of the white slave traffic. . . .

  • ' It is a hopeful sign of the times when depend-

able books on this subject, which is of such vast social importance, are written for popular reading and information. " It is a book which every one should read.** Chicago Record-Herald. Cr. 8vo. Send for Descriptive Circular G. P. Putnam's Sons New York London