Page:A short history of nursing - Lavinia L Dock (1920).djvu/56

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A Short History of Nursing

CHAPTER III INFLUENCE OF CHRISTIANITY ON THE CARE OF THE SICK AT the opening of the Christian era the Roman Empire extended over the greater part of Europe, a part of Britain, and great tracts of Asia Minor and Northern Africa. Pre-eminent as a conquering, miHtary empire, it was equally distinguished for its elaborate political, The Roman Empire at legal, and administrative organization, the dawn of j^g pagan religion was, on the whole, Christianity tolerant and free from the more un- intelligent superstitions. The Roman genius was extremely practical and business-like, and Ro- man officials allowed the freemen of conquered populations free action and thought on all but two topics — economics and politics. As in Rus- sia under the Czars, subjects who never forgot those taboos might live in peace. The political economy of Rome was based on slavery, the insti- tution that finally undermined the empire. The 40