Page:A topographical and historical sketch of the town of Andover, in the county of Hillsborough, and state of New Hampshire.djvu/19

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mon to the people, on dissolving his connexion with them, was on affectionate appeal to their understandings on the evils of divisions and strife in religious communities, and an earnest exhortation to them not to forsake the assembling of themselves together for the public worship of God, even though his exertions had failed to increase their spiritual blessings. No other congregational minister was ever settled in town, and there are now comparatively few of that denomination of christians. The people are at present somewhat divided in religious sentiment. The most numerous class are undoubtedly those called Union Baptists.[1] There are some calvinistic baptists, and some congregationalists; also a society of universalists, incorporated in 1818.

In the year 1801, there was a revival of religion among the Freewill Baptists; and in 1803, Elder Elijah Watson, who now resides in Sutton, was ordained. He remained in this place however but a few years. In 1810, a great number were added to the connexion, and Elder Ebenezer Chase was ordained, who, with short interruptions, has preached to the society until very lately. In 1819 and 1820, a great reformation occurred, under the ministration of those calling themselves Christ-ians, without any party name; and the first church, under that appellation, was gathered here in Sept. 1819, and now consists of 167 members. It is in connexion with the “New-Hampshire Christian Conference,” and is now under the pastoral care of Elders Young and Slee-

  1. The name of Union Baptists has been recently assumed, for the purpose of quieting different opinions. Many who were in union with the Freewill Baptists disliked the name; and we believe the term Union comprehends several classes who differ on minor and unimportant points.