Page:A tour through the northern counties of England, and the borders of Scotland - Volume I.djvu/52

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from north to south; and the body seventy feet in breadth. A massive square tower rises from the centre of the structure, to the height of one hundred and thirty-two feet, of pure Anglo-Norman architecture, (commonly called the Saxon style) ornamented with three tiers of small blind arches; the arches of each range intersecting one another, as is observable in the works of that age. The body of the church and part of the chancel are supported by eighteen pillars, nine on each side, plain and round, measuring in girth twenty-one feet. Above the crown of the semicircular arches which these pillars support, runs a triforium, or passage cut through the wall, which is surmounted by a range of Gothic arches, as they are generally called, though the style appears to be nothing more than a variety of the Anglo-Norman arch, suggested by the form which was produced by these semicircles interlacing each other. We admired the neatness and taste with which the choir is fitted up, wherein parochial service is performed. Two thousand pounds were expended in the work in 1796. A beautiful effect is produced in this member of the fabric by the hexagonal termination to the cast; at which end five fine windows of richly-painted glass throw "a dim religious light" over the choir, that fills the mind with the most solemn