Page:A translation of Anstey's ode to Jenner - 1804.pdf/25

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only £3579 16s. and the heavy articles of expense before enumerated, amounting to £1966, have left a balance in favour of the Society of an investment of £1000 Stock in the Three per Cent. Consols, and of £940 Cash in the hands of the Trustees; against which several claims remain outstanding, which will, however, be diminished by some subscriptions not yet collected.

Under this view of the situation of our finances, it would be useless to conceal or palliate the danger to which this Institution is exposed. After having effected much, it would be peculiarly painful that, from the deficiency of funds, the time and exertions of your Board of Directors and Medical Council should have been sacrificed in vain; and we most seriously and earnestly recommend to the General Court to adopt some prompt and vigorous measures to awaken the slumbering philanthropy of the Public, and to endeavour to kindle that glow of patriotic benevolence, which would excite every man, alive to the honour and prosperity of his country, and interested in the health and security of his relatives and friends, to contribute his mite towards the support of a cause, which affects no single class or order in the state, but, either directly or indirectly, in his own person, or that of his family, involves the comfort and safety of every individual of every condition in the British Empire.

By Order of the Board of Directors,


Upon the reading of the said Report, it was, upon the motion of William Wilberforce, Esq. seconded by John Julius Angerstein, Esq.

Resolved, That, in consideration of the great and unavoidable expense to which this Society is subject, and the present state of its finances, it is highly expedient to extend the plan of an Annual Subscription for its support.

Resolved, That Books for that purpose be now opened; and that each of the Life Governors be solicited for a moderate Annual Subscription, together with the exertion of their influence among others in support of the Society.