Page:A treatise upon the law of copyright.djvu/445

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Sculpture (continued)
copying for private use, 165
what is a piratical copy, 165
copying design in other form of art, 165
licence a defence, 166
Seditious works not entitled to protection,
, 152, 163, 174
Selections : see Extracts
Separately published, meaning of, 12
Sermons : see Speeches
Sheet of letterpress protected as a boolc,
Ship on fire, 123
Shorthand —
copyright in reports, 29
shorthand copy is infringement of book,
book in shorthand would be protected,
Slander of title, 213
Sleeve pattern, not a book, 14
Smith's " Leading Cases," 28, 1 11
Spain : see International Copyright —
signatory of Berne Convention, 194
proclaimed under Chase Act, 249
Speeches —
speakers' rights in, 223
copyright in shorthand report of, 30
Stamp —
what stamp required on copyright
agreements, 230
Star chamber, 4
Stationers' Hall : see Registration —
origin of company, 3
neglect of officials at Stationers' Hall,
Statistics, 20, 237
Statue : see Sculpture
Statutes : see Acts of Parliament
Suppression of books, provision against,
. "9
Switzerland : see International Copy-
right —
signatory of Berne Convention, 194
proclaimed under Chace Act, 249
Term Reports, 28
Thackeray, extracts from, 112
Time-tables, copyright in, 22
Times, reports of Lord Rosebery's
speeches, 29
Title : see Common Law Rights ; Pass-
ing off —
passing off by similar title, 206, 296
no copyright in title, 208, 244
slander of title, 213
actual title must be registered, 49
Topographical Dictionary, 24
Translations —
give no exclusive right to translate a
non-copyright work, 25
whether an infringement of copyright,
translating rights in foreign works, 203
Trial, mode of, 94
Tunis : see International Copyright —
signatory of Berne Convention, 194
United States —
copyright in, 233
what works protected in, 236
rights of foreign authors, 247
formalities which must be observed in,
delivery of title or description, 250,
, 253
delivery of copies or photograph,
, 253
books, chromos, lithographs, and
photographs must be printed in
United States, 254
notice of copyright must be printed
on each copy, 255
publication, 260
Library of Congress, 264
immoral works, 266
duration of copyright in, 267
owner of copyright in—
author, 269
employer, 271
state, 272
assignee, 272
infringement of copyright —
what is a piratical copy, 276
prohibited acts and remedies, 287
Universities, copyright of, 61
Unpublished work : see Common Law
Webster's Dictionary, 297
Will, copyright passes by, 83, 275
Word, no copyright in single, 14, 34
Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson b" Co.
Edinburgh df London