Page:A trip to the moon (IA triptomoon00mcde).pdf/87

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The Place assign'd me, was to be Corrector-General of the Book of Fame, which was deliver'd to me. In it I set down every Report that was spread; and by comparing the different Accounts that were given, I form'd some stated Opinion, which every one was oblig'd to assent to, under the Penalty of having some very scandalous Report divulg'd and confirm'd upon them.

The Design of this Office was to prevent the Loss of Time in useless Speculations on their Neighbours Actions, as well as to restrain a licentious way of speaking of others, which had been the Cause of many Disturbances. Now whensoever I declar'd on any Story, if it was but some trivial Matter, I omitted such Circumstances as might not be favourably understood by all that heard them; by which means, in a little Time, the People made Allowances for the Infirmities they were subject to, and began to cherish a brotherly Love among them.

I publish'd among them, a Multiplication Table, by which they might be capable of discerning the Growth of any Story, and discover in what sort of Minds it acquir'd any Thing. I laid down also some Rules for distinguishing the simple Reports from the compound; as also for being acquainted with the arithmetical Progression of a Tale, and discovering its Age by its Size and Complexion. As oft as any noted Piece of Villany was laid before me, I publish'd it with all the aggravating Circumstances that shou'd deter others from the like Practice; yet this, however useful, had like to have been my Ruin, as shall be told in its proper Place.

Tckbrff was my Assistant in my Office, and shar'd with me both in the Trouble and Pension. We liv'd in this Manner for the Space of two Years; and when we were at Leisure, we spent our Time in observing the Behaviour of the People.