Page:A voice from Harper's Ferry (1861).djvu/24

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favorable to come on without loss of time. In reply to the letter written to Chatham, soliciting volunteers, the appended, from an office-bearer, referred to my own journey to the South:—

Dear Sir,—Yours came to hand last night. One hand (Anderson) left here last night, and will be found an efficient hand. Richardson is anxious to be at work as a missionary to bring sinners to repentance. He will start in a few days. Another will follow immediately after, if not with him. More laborers may be looked for shortly. "Slow but sure."

Alexander has received yours, so you see all communications have come to hand, so far. Alexander is not coming up to the work as he agreed. I fear he will be found unreliable in the end.

Dull times affect missionary matters here more than any thing else; however, a few active laborers may be looked for as certain.

I would like to hear of your congregation numbering more than "15 and 2" to commence a good revival; still, our few will be adding strength to the good work. Yours, &c,J. M. B.

To J. B., Jr.

As set forth in this letter, I left Canada September 13th, and reached ——————, in Pennsylvania, three days after. On my arrival, I was surprised to learn that the freight was all moved to head-quarters, but a few boxes, the arrival of which, the evening of the same day, called forth from Kagi the following brief note:—

Chambersburg, ——————, ——————.

J. Smith & Sons,—A quantity of freight has to-day arrived for you in care of Oaks & Caufman. The amount is somewhere between 2,600 and 3,000 lbs. Charges in full, $25.98. The character is, according to manifest, 33 bundles and 4 boxes.

I yesterday received a letter from John Smith, containing nothing of any particular importance, however, so I will keep it until you come up.

Respectfully,J. HENRIE.

Chambersburg, Pa., Friday, Sept. 16, 1859,
11 o'clock, A. M.

J. Smith and Sons,—I have just time to say that Mr. Anderson arrived in the train five minutes ago.

Respectfully,J. HENRIE.

P. S. I have not had time to talk with him, J. H.