Page:A voice from the signal-box.djvu/41

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THE CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Company of New York. Office - CONTINENTAL BUILDING, 22, 24, and 26, NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK.

Head Office— 35, Lombard Street, London, E.G. Manager Foreign Department— WILLIAM C. PRESCOTT.

PURELY MUTUAL. ASSETS, £1,250,000. SPECIAL DEPOSITS, £40,000. THIS Company insures Lives and nothing else. It is conducted under the immediate Official supervision of the Insurance Department of the States of New York. It is Endorsed by the Special Certificate of the Superintendent. Its operations are likewise subject to, and its statements checked by, more than twenty American States and eight European Governments, to which independent verified reports and statements are made. It is especially distinguished for its low mortality record, and its rapid relative increase of policy-holders, assets, and surplus. Especial attention is directed to the advantages this Company is able to offer in consequence of the STABLE CHARACTER OF ITS INVESTMENTS, and the great gaining power of the money invested therein. This Company has the approval of the Prussian Government, and its "concession " for the Insurance of Prussian subjects. Annuities granted at rates from 20 to 30 per cent, better than are offered by British companies. Life Insurance at rates below those of most British companies. Dividends or Bonuses declared and paid in cash each year. Net surplus £110,000. Dividends to policy-holders, &c., in 1871 and 1872, £330,000. Manchester Office— 96, DEANSGATE. Glasgow Offiee-63, ST. VL^CENT STREET. Belfast Office— 22, CASTLE PLACE.