Page:A voyage to New Holland - Dampier.djvu/123

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The Contents.


The A.'s Stay and Business at Bahia: Of the Winds, and Seasons of the Year there. His departure for N. Holland. C. Salvadore. The Winds on the Brasilian Coast; and Abrohlo Shoal; Fish, and Birds: The Shear-water Bird, and Cooking of Sharks. Excessive number of Birds about a dead Whale; of the Pintado-Bird, and the Petrel, &c. Of a Bird that shews the C. of G. Hope to be near: of the Sea-reckonings, and Variations: and a Table of all the Variations observ'd in this Voyage. Occurrences near the Cape; and the A's passing by it. Of the Westerly Winds beyond it: A Storm, and its Presages. The A.'s Course to N. Holland; and Signs of approaching it. Another Abrohlo Shole and Storm, and the A's Arrival on part of N. Holland. That part describ'd; and Shark's Bay, where be first An-