Page:A voyage to New Holland - Dampier.djvu/226

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the product and trade of the country. their shipping and timber. the soil and fruit of the country. the winds and seasons. the time of cutting sugarcane. its view from several points.

Bill-bird described.

Birds of New Holland.

Blake, sunk the Spanish galleons near Tenerife.

Brazil, the view of its coast, see Bahia.

Britain (New), an island discovered by the author, well-inhabited, and probably affording rich commodities.

Bubbles, like small pearls, swimming thick in the sea.

Cables, made of a sort of hair growing on trees in Brazil.

Callavances, a fruit in Mayo.

Canary Islands: their product and trade. the character of their present governor.

Cape of Good Hope, its view from several points.

Cashew (fruit) described.

Channel (English) a necessary caution to those that sail through it.

Chattering-crow of Brazil described.