Page:A voyage to New Holland - Dampier.djvu/23

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The Preface.

presenting to the Eye the whole Thread of the Voyage at one View; besides Draughts and Figures of particular Places, to make the Descriptions I have given of them more intelligible and useful.

Moreover, which I had not the opportunity of doing in my former Voyages; having now had in the Ship with me a Person skill'd in Drawing, I have by this means been enabled, for the greater Satisfaction of the Curious Reader, to present him with exact Cuts and Figures of several of the principal and most remarkable of those Birds, Beasts, Fishes and Plants, which are described in the following Narrative; and also of several, which not being able to give any better or so good an Account of, as by causing them to be exactly Ingraven, the Reader will not find any further Description of them, but only that they were