Page:A voyage to New Holland - Dampier.djvu/79

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The A. departs from St. Jago.

With this Design I sail'd from St. Jago on the 22d of February, with the Winds at E. N. E. and N. E. fair Weather, and a brisk Gale. We steered away S. S. E. and S. S. E. half East, till in the Lat. of 7 deg. 50 min. we met with many Riplings in the Sea like a Tide or strong Current, which setting against the Wind caus'd such a Ripling. We continu'd to meet these Currents from that Lat. till we came into the Lat. of 3 deg. 22 N. when they ceased. During this time we saw some Boneta's, and Sharks; catching one of these. We had the true General Trade-Wind blowing fresh at N. E. till in the Lat. of 4 deg. 40 min. N. when the Wind varied, and we had small Gales, with some Tornadoes. We were then to the East of St. Jago 4 deg. 54 min. when we got into Lat. 3 deg. 2 min. N. (where I said the Ripling ceas’d) and Long. to the East of St. Jago 5 deg. 2 min. we had the Wind whiffling between the S. by E. and E. by N. small Gales, frequent Calms, very black Clouds, with much Rain. In the Lat. of 3 deg. 8 min. N. and Long. E. from St. Jago 5 deg. 8 min. we had the Wind from the S. S. E. to the N. N. E. faint, and often interrupted with Calms. While we had Calms we had the opportunity of trying the Current we had met with hitherto, and found that it set N. E.