Page:A voyage to New Holland - Dampier.djvu/99

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Carriage in Hammocks.

And indeed, excepting People of the lowest degree of all, here are scarce any but what keep Slaves in their Houses. The Richer Sort, besides the Slaves of both Sexes whom they keep for servile Uses in their Houses, have Men-slaves who wait on them abroad, for State; either running by their Horses-sides when they ride out, or to carry them to and fro on their Shoulders in the Town when they make short Visits near home. Every Gentleman or Merchant is provided with Things necessary for this sort of Carriage. The main Thing is a pretty large Cotton Hammock of the West-India Fashion, but mostly dyed Blue, with large Fringes of the same, hanging down on each side. This is carry'd on the Negro's Shoulders by the help of a Bamboo about 12 or 14 Foot long, to which the Hammock is hung; and a Covering comes over the Pole, hanging down on each side like a Curtain: So that the Person so carry'd cannot be seen unless he pleases; but may either ly down, having Pillows for his Head; or may sit up by being a little supported with these Pillows, and by letting both his Legs hang out over one side of the Hammock. When he hath a mind to be seen he puts by his Curtain, and salutes everyone of his Acquaintance whom he meets in the Streets: for they take a piece of Pride in greeting