Page:A wandering student in the Far East vol.1 - Zetland.djvu/280

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derive a revenue from the vice and misery of his people." In other districts subterfuge has been resorted to. Thus, in Wuhu we are told that all the dens were closed at the beginning of August in order that a report might be made to that effect, but by the beginning of September they were all open again.[1] In the town of Lofan, in Kwang-tung, it is stated that licences have been freely issued practically certifying that the entire smoking population is over sixty years of age, and therefore entitled, under the edict, to clemency.[2] Again, an eyewitness from Ho-nan states that, in order to comply with the terms of the edict, and at the same time to temper the wind of reform to the farmer, the area under cultivation has been reported at 25 to 30 per cent above the actual figure, so that the stipulated reduction of 10 per cent per annum will leave things as they are for some time to come.[3] Reports as to what is being done to enforce Article I. of the Imperial Regulations, the object of which is to secure

  1. Parliamentary Paper, China, No. 1, 1908.
  2. 'Times,' April 4th, 1908.
  3. Ibid.