Page:A wandering student in the Far East vol.1 - Zetland.djvu/396

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after declaring that "the approach of a great military Power like France to a frontier lying naked to attack could not be regarded with indifference," Lord Dufferin succeeded—at no small sacrifice of territory and prestige—in securing the assent of France to the formation of a buffer state. A protocol embodying this proposition, and providing for the despatch of a commission to collect the data necessary for its geographical definition, was signed on July 31st. The difficulties, however, in the way of bringing into being a satisfactory buffer state only grew as the question of its boundaries and its government were discussed, and the declaration of Lord Rosebery in October 1893 that, in the event of negotiations failing, the British Government would have to take "such measures as they might consider necessary for their own protection," followed as it was by a curt retort from the French representative to the effect that the integrity of Luang Prabang was of the highest interest to France, and that "neither the French Chamber nor French public opinion would tolerate its disintegration," showed how