Page:A wandering student in the Far East vol.1 - Zetland.djvu/400

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in the declaration concerning Siam included in the Agreement of 1904. the two Contracting Parties, while disclaiming all idea of annexing any Siamese teritory, declaring nevertheless by mutual agreement that "the influence of Great Britain shall be recognised by France in the territories situated to the west of the basin of the river Menam, and that the influence of France shall be recognised by Great Britain in the territories situated to the east of the same region, all the Siamese possessions on the east and south-east of the zone above described and the adjacent islands coming thus henceforth under French influence, and, on the other hand, all Siamese possessions on the west of this zone and of the Gulf of Siam, including the Malay Peninsula and the adjacent islands, coming under English influence."

A settlement of the Franco-Siamese frontier has been finally come to in a treaty signed between the two countries at Bangkok on March 23rd, 1907, the chief feature of which is the cession to France by Siam of the territories of Battambang, Siem-Reap, and