Page:Aaron Swartz s A Programmable Web An Unfinished Work.pdf/50

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to capture by its own thrill of recognition the familiar in a new-old medium where color has not obscured the outline nor played too many tricks with nature.;”

    >      :publisher ’Doubleday, Page & company’;
    >      :author <> .
    >     <>
    >     :name ‘‘C. B. Falls’’ .

Aside from consistently using URIs, RDF has some pretty nice features. For one thing, something you want to do a lot with data is combine it, and RDF makes that very easy. To combine two RDF documents, you just concatenate them—it’s just a list of facts; two lists of facts together makes one long list of facts. It’s not quite as simple with JSON, let alone XML.

Another nice feature of RDF is that it makes it easy to map between formats. Converting between two JSON formats typically requires code, but with RDF you can just publish another RDF document that explains the mapping, like:

    >    rdfs:label = :title .

That way software that knows about “rdfs:label” know that they can use “:title” properties the same way.

RDF does have these many nice features, but it does have one big downside: it’s nowhere near as easy to use as JSON. Like XML, it has its own data model, which means writing special code to move between its way of viewing the world and yours. There are some tools and techniques to mitigate this (like my own rdftramp, [1] which tries to make RDF look more like normal Python objects) but it’s still a serious problem.

The RDF world has tried to address it by writing RDF replacements for all the existing tools of the software world: RDF databases, RDF programming languages, RDF query systems, RDF browsers, RDF reasoning engines, and so on. If you want, there’s a whole world of RDF you can dive into.

Ultimately, however, I fear this isn’t a very promising strategy—it’s going to be hard to create replacements for all these things which are as good or better than
