Page:Abbot's Guide to Ottawa.djvu/38

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consciously) looking at his or her watch to verify the time. Facing us is Parliament square, 700 feet by 600 feet, an open space which enables the buildings on the four sides to be seen to advantage. The use of the lawn is permitted to members of the Civil Service for cricket, tennis and other sports.


The eastern departmental building, or East Block, facing Parliament Square, contains the offices of the Governor General and the Departments of State, Finance, Justice, Privy Council, Solicitor General and Auditor General. The building is pure Gothic, built of Nepean sandstone from quarries close to Ottawa, similar to the Parliament Buildings. This block covers an area of 42,000 superficial feet.



The western departmental building, or West Block, contains the Departments of Customs, Inland Revenue, Public Works, Trade and Commerce, and Marine and Fisheries. The building is of the same material as the Parliament Buildings. The style is pure Gothic. From it rises, at the West side, the Mackenzie tower 272 feet) named after Hon. Alex. Mackenzie (see p. 23). Although considerably higher than the Victoria tower of the Parliament Buildings, this is not apparent, owing to the lower level at its base. The beauty of the architecture of this tower, particularly the western facade, is worth a careful examination; it compares favourably with any Gothic work to be found elsewhere. The small tower at the north end is called the Laurier tower after the late Premier of Canada.