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Defensive Weapons.—Shields—Mulga—Gee-am—Goolmarry.—Shields in use at Rockingham Bay 330
Weapons and Implements of the West Australians.—Kylie.—The gid-jee and other spears.—The meero.—The woonda or wooden shield.—The kadjo or stone hammer.—The stone chisel.— The meat-cutter.—The scoop or spade.—Other implements 335
Implements and Manufactures.—Bags and baskets.—Wooden vessels for holding water.—Skins.—Skull drinking cup.—Bark vessels.—Shells.—Tool for scraping.—Tool for carving.—Awls and nails.—The kan-nan.—The nerum.—The weet-weet.—Corrobboree-sticks.—Message-sticks 342
Stone Implements.—Hatchets.—Rocks used.—Quarries.—Palaeolithic and Neolithic periods.—Old axes and chips and flakes found in the soil—Axes not found in the alluvia.—Figures and descriptions of stone tomahawks.—Axe found on Pitcairn's Island.—Uses of the tomahawk.—Chisels and knives.—New Zealand axe.—Chips for spears—For scarring the flesh—For skins and for scraping, &c.—Stones for pounding and grinding seeds.—Sharpening-stones.—Stones used in fishing.—Stones used in basket-making.—Sacred stones 357
Nets and Fish-hooks.—Large net.—Hand-net.—Fibres used in making nets.—Fish-hooks 388
Methods of Producing Fire.—Twirling the upright stick.—Rubbing across a crack with the wooden knife.—Methods of producing fire in various parts of the world.—Holy fires of the Germanic races.—Witchcraft.—Fire produced accidentally.—Volcanoes 393
Canoes.—Bark canoes of the Victorian natives.—How propelled.—Cutting bark for canoes.—Trees yielding bark suitable for making canoes.—Numbers carried in canoes of various sizes.—Natives fishing from canoes.—Statements relating to the canoes in use in various parts of Australia 407
Myths.—Pundjel.— The first men.—The first women.—The dispersion of mankind.— Death.—The man with a tail.—Origin of the sea.—How water was first obtained—The sun.—The moon.—The sun, the moon, and the stars.—Native names of and tales respecting the sun, the moon, and the stars.—The bun-yip.—Myndie.—Kur-bo-roo.—Mirram and Warreen.—Boor-a meel.—The emu and the crow.—The eagle, the mopoke, and the crow.—Mornmoot-bullarto mornmoot.—Loo-errn.—Wi-won-der-rer.—Buk-ker-til-lible.—The River Murray.—Nrung-a-narguna.—Kootchee.—Fire—How Fire was first obtained.—Priests and sorcerers.—Marm-bu-la.—Bowkan, Brewin, and Bullundoot.—Aboriginal legend of a deluge.—The Port Albert frog.—How the black fellows lost and regained fire.—The native dog.—The history of Bolgan 423