Page:About Mexico - Past and Present.djvu/377

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When the reader began the story of Christ's betrayal, murmurs of sorrow ran through the listening company. Where the Saviour was crucified, they wept and bowed their heads. How sad, how dark, the outlook for those who had already learned to love the sinner's Friend! But, thanks be to God, the story did not end there; the cross and the grave were not all. Christ rose again; he walked and talked with his disciples, and then ascended on high as a conqueror, saying at the last, "Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world."

As the wonderful story was finished the master rose, and, looking around upon his family and people, said,

"There was one thing I was most glad to hear: it is that last word of Jesus, when he tells his disciples to go out into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. They were to teach every one everything he had taught them. Now, my friends, some of these men will come to San Roman to tell us this good news, to instruct us as the Lord instructed them they will soon be here, no doubt. Meanwhile, I must learn to read this wonderful book, and you, my sons," turning to them, "must learn too, in order to read again the story of the Saviour's life and to do what he commands us. The disciples have been a long while coming to us, but the world is large, you know; they will certainly come, for Jesus thus has commanded them."

The owner of San Roman and his sons at once began to learn to read the precious book. The good news was read from time to time to every one on the plantation, and there, as of old in Judea, the common people heard Christ gladly. Year after year they met on the Lord's day as the apostles taught, until at last a Christian settlement flourished where once San Roman was worshiped.