Page:About Mexico - Past and Present.djvu/391

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Riley, saying, "Like Saul of Tarsus, I have persecuted the Church of Christ." The next time the Church of Jesus met they were astonished to see their old adversary in the pulpit preaching the faith he had once so bitterly denied

The Romanists were panic-struck. That the man on whose devotion to Rome, on whose talents and influence, the Church had depended for their overthrow should join those despised Bible Christians was indeed a terrible blow.

When the day came for the opening service in the church of San José de Gracia, Romanists were there thirsting for Protestant blood; but Aguas was not with them. He stood boldly by the pastor, ready to die, if need be, for the faith.

The storm of persecution now raged fiercely around this devoted band, but like one inspired Aguas preached Christ and him crucified as the only salvation from sin. His whole soul was in the work. Twelve times in one week he was in the pulpit. "Destitute, afflicted, tormented" by his enemies, he toiled on for three years, until at last he sank under the tremendous strain to mind and body. His last sermon was from the text, "Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Aguas was carried from his pulpit to die. As sight and memory failed some one leaned over him and whispered, "Do you remember the blood of Christ?" The old light kindled again on his pallid face: "Oh yes! yes! The precious blood of Jesus!" and so he passed to his reward.

A noble band of more than forty martyrs have sealed their faith by their blood in this Church of Jesus. Man-