Page:About Mexico - Past and Present.djvu/417

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Mexico, productions, 25
railway, 309
wealth, first glimpse of, 20
Mexico, City of, ancient, 96
cathedral of, 320
destroyed, 236
education in, 325
houses, 322
markets of, 316
new city described, 314
rebuilt, 240
residents, 326
water-supply, 316
Mexico, Gulf of, discovered, 131
Mexitli, the Aztec capital, 39
Michoacan, gospel introduced into, 396
Mines and minerals, 344
Missions, American Board of Foreign, 387
Friends, 386
Methodist, 387
Presbyterian, 384
Rankin, Miss, pioneer missionary, 371
Riley, Rev. H. C., 381
Monterey, 351
missionary work, 375
Montezuma, Cortez preaches to, 191
Cortez sends presents to, 1 44
death of, 213
meets Cortez, 187
presents from, 146
seized and held a captive, 199
submits as vassal, 204
Morelos and his heroes, 275
Narvaez defeated and captured, 210
Narvaez sent to supersede Cortez, 208
New government of Mexico, 253
New Seville, 151
Orizaba, 307
People, 346
mode of living, 347
Picture-writing, 108 111
Plants, 342
Police in cities, 354
Popocatapetl ascended, 180
described, 329
Presbyterian missions, 384
at Capulhuac, 390
at Zacatecas, 391
statistics, 386
Priesthood, corruption of, 266
Puebla, 358
Queretaro, 355
Railway, 309
Railroads, 336
Rankin, Miss, pioneer missionary, 371
Reformation, Bible secretly circulated, 365
principles, 360
Reporting, Mexican method of, 145
Riley, Rev. H. C, 381
Ruins, ancient, 32
Aztec, 42