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Whom David's love with Honours did adorn,That from his disobedient Son were torn.Jotham of piercing Wit and pregnant Thought:Endew'd by Nature, and by Learning taughtTo move Assemblies, who but onely tri'dThe worse awhile, then chose the better side;Nor chose alone, but turn'd the Balance too;So much the weight of one brave man can do.Hushai the Friend of David in distress,In publick storms of manly stedfastness;By Foreign Treaties he inform'd his Youth;And join'd Experience to his Native Truth.His frugal care suppli'd the wanting Throne;Frugal for that, but bounteous of his own:'Tis easie Conduct when Exchequers flow;But hard the task to manage well the low:For Sovereign Power is too deprest or high,When Kings are forc'd to sell, or Crouds to buy.Indulge one labour more, my weary Muse,For Amiel; who can Amiel's praise refuse?Of ancient race by birth, but nobler yetIn his own worth, and without Title great:The Sanhedrin long time as Chief he rul'd, Their Reason guided; and their Passion cool'd;So dextrous was he in the Crown's defence,So form'd to speak a Loyal Nations Sense,That as their Band was Israels Tribes in small,So fit was he to represent them all.Now rather Charioteers the Seat ascend,Whose loose Carriers his steady Skill commend:They, like th'unequal Ruler of the Day,Misguide the Seasons, and mistake the Way;While he withdrawn at their mad Labour smiles,And safe enjoys the Sabbath of his Toils.
These were the chief; a small but faithful BandOf Worthies, in the Breach who dar'd to stand,And tempt th'united Fury of the Land.With grief they view'd such powerful Engines bent,To batter down the lawful Government.