Page:Abstract of the evidence for the abolition of the slave-trade 1791.djvu/21

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moreland, but did business in three other parishes. [IV. 69.]

Crew, (Robert, Esq.) is a native of Virginia, and always resided there till 1783.—[IV. 250.]

Dalrymple (Henry Hew, Esq.) was lieutenant in the 75th regiment, in garrison at Goree and on various parts of the coast, from May to the end of September, 1779. He was, on his passage to the West Indies, in a slave-vessel two months He was three times in the West Indies; in 1773 at Grenada six months; in 1779 and 1780 at Antigua, Barbadoes, Tobago, St. Lucia, and St. Christopher's; and, in 1788 and 1789, at Grenada, Cariacou, St. Vincents, and Tobago.—[III. 291.]

Davies, (The Rev. Mr.) resided at Barbadoes fourteen years, the three last learning the management of a sugar estate; he left it 21 years ago.—[IV. 185.]

Davison, (Baker) lieutenant of the late 79th regiment was in Jamaica from the middle of 1771 to the end of 1783, except a few months on the Spanish Main. He also practised surgery in Jamaica. [IV. 150.]

Dove, (Mr. William) was, in 1769, a voyage to the Coast of Africa for slaves. From 1774 to 1783 he resided at Boston and New-York.—[III. 100.]

Douglas, (Mr. John) boatswain of the Russel man of war, was one voyage to the Coast of Africa, for slaves in 1771.—[IV, 121.]

Duncan, (Mr. William) was in Antigua from January 1785 to July 1789, first as clerk in a store for six or eight months, afterwards as overseer for about two years and a half. The rest of the time he kept a store for himself.—[IV. 141.]


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