Page:Account of John Harrison and his chronometer.djvu/4

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directly complied with these Instructions he got the Machine on shore and then sent notice thereof to his Father desiring him to acquaint Lord Anson therewith which he did but received no answer. Mr. Harrison being very anxious about his son's departure applied constantly to the Admiralty for his Sons Instructions, but to no purpose. Therefore he on the 13th of April gave in the following Memorial to Lord Anson.

A Memorial to the Commissioners of Longitude delivered to Lord Anson by W. Harrison the 13 of April 1761.

To the Right Honorable and Honorable the Commissioners constituted by Parliament for the Discovery of the Longitude at Sea and for examining trying and judging of all proposals Experiments and improvements relating to the same.

The Memorial of John Harrison
of Red Lion Square in the parish of
St. George the Martyr

Humbly Sheweth

That your Memorialist on the 12th day of last month received your Lordships and Honors Orders to prepare the time piece or clock and Watch which your Memorialist has long laboured at under your protection and through your assistance and to send the same to Portsmouth—