Page:Account of some imaginary apparitions (NLS104186561).pdf/8

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The night following ſhe was again awakened by ſomething that jogged her, and ſhe thought ſhe felt a hand in the bed; upon endeavouring to repreſs it, another flaſh of lightening threw her into a fit of terror; ſhe ſhut her eyes and croſſed herſelf: When ſhe ventured to open her eyes again, the light was vaniſhed, and in a ſhort time ſhe felt what ſhe ſuppoſed to be a hand again in the bed ſhe again endeavoured to repreſs it; but looking towards the foot of the bed, ſhe ſaw a large luminous croſs on which was written diſtinctly, as with light, the words Be ſilent. She was now ſo terrified, that ſhe had not power to break the injunction, but ſhe ſhrunk down into the bed, and covered herſelf all over with the cloaths.

In this ſituation ſhe lay a conſiderable time, and being no longer moleſted, ſhe ventured once more to peep out when, to her unſpeakable aſtoniſhment, ſhe ſaw a phantom ſtanding by the ſide of her bed, almoſt as high as the ceiling, a kind of glory encircled its head, and the whole was in the form of a crucifix, except that it ſeemed to have ſeveral hands, one of which again approached the bed.

Suppoſing the phænomenon to be ſome celeſtial viſion, ſhe exerted all her fortitude, and leaping out of bed, threw herſelf upon her knees before it; but ſhe inſtantly found herſelf aſſaulted in a manner which convinced her ſhe was miſtaken; ſhe had not ſtrength to diſengage herſelf from ſomething that embraced her, and therefore