Page:Account of the executions in Scotland for the past 200 years.pdf/5

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Richard Brodie, theft Feb. 11, 1801
George Lindsay, murder April 7, 1802
Margaret Curninghare, murder Jan. 7, 1807
Matthew Smith, murder ——— 08
Barbara Malcolm, murder Feb. 10, 08
Robert Stewart, housebreaking & theft Feb. 22, 09
John Armstrong, do do Jan. 17, 10
A am Lyal, highway robbery Mar. 27, 11
Hugh M‘Donald, Neil Sutherland, and Hugh M'Intosh, street robbery April 22, 12
John M‘Donald, and James Jack, murder April 14, 12
James M'Dongal, forgery Aug. 10, 14
John Marroch, murder Mar. 29, 15
David Thomson, housebreaking & theft Mar. 15, 16
Robert Johnstone, robbery Dec. 30, 18
George Warden, taking money out of letters in Post Office Aberdeen April 14, 19
John Denipey, murder Dec. 13, 20
Samuel Maxwell, housebreaking & robbery Jan. 17, 21
David Haggart, murder July 18, 21
John Rennie, and William Sutherland, housebreaking and theft Aug. 22, 21
Peter Hachan, and Francis Gantred, piracy and murder at Leith Jan. 9, 22
William M'Intyre, housebreaking Feb. 26, 23
Mary M‘Kinnon, murder April 16, 23
Daniel M‘Donald Elphinstone, murder July 3, 24
William Burke, murdering 16 individuals by suffocating them, and selling their bodies for desection Jan. 28, 29
John Stewart, and Catherine Wright, for murdering three persons, by giving them poison Aug. 19, 29
Wiliam Adams or Reid, robbery Jan. 6, 29
Robert Edmond, Haddington murders Mar. 17, 30
John Thompson, &. David Dobbie, murder Aug. 19, 30
George Gilchrist, robbery Aug. 3, 30
John M'Court, murder Dec. 19, 31
John Howieson, murder Jan. 21, 32
Thomas Sweeney, assult and robbery—executed at Greenlaw April 4, 34
James Bell, murder July 6, 35
Elizabeth M‘Neil, murder Aug. 3, 35
James Wemyes, murder April 16, 34
James Bryce, murder April 3, 44
William Benui, for poisoning his wife Aug. 16, 50
John Williams, murder—executed at Greenlaw Mar. 14, 53
William Cumming, murder Jan. 25, 54
——— Bryce, murder June 31,' 64


Four men and three womon were burned at the Gallowgreen for Witchcraft June 16, 1697
Alexander Provan, murdering his wife had his right hand cut off, and afterwards hanged 1765
Thomas Potts, housebreaking Aug. 17, 97
John Craig, and James Brown, stouthrief Oct. 16, 1829